Zach Reed

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To Make a Photo in Today's World

If you're like me than you probably view your own photographs in a digital format the vast majority of the time. Whether that be on a computer, phone, or social media account, it's not often enough that I take that a photo all the way to print. Given the large number of printing services available it's certainly not due to lack of options. Part of me wonders if the convenience factor of digital photography is the main culprit. Seconds after you capture an image you can review it on the camera, make decisions on how to re-capture if needed, and not long thereafter edit on your computer or phone for "final" viewing. Contrast that workflow to film development and the process can jump from minutes to weeks to see your work. 

I hesitate to call it laziness, but another factor that likely prevents many images from being printed is the avoidance of more work. To nail a print there are several new factors to consider: output sharpening, image re-scaling, monitor calibration, etc. Skip all, or even just some of these, and the printed results can be quite disappointing. That, however, that is the exact reason we all should print more! It will force you to capture more carefully, edit more precisely, and truly put the art back into "making" an image. Compared to the cost of new gear, printing is also a cheap way to improve the quality of your work without needing to upgrade.

Seeing a captured moment come to life in print is one of the most satisfying parts of the photographic process. Until you experience this, you haven't had a chance to fully appreciate your own work. If you're interested in taking a look at some of my favorite work, you can find it here.

So go out - shoot, print, and be merry!

- Zach

P.S. If you're wondering what in the world a musing is, please refer to my initial post here.